1. The Twelfth Moscow International Festival of
Mountaineering and Adventure Films “Vertical” will take place in Moscow,
Russia, in spring 2009. The aim of the Festival is to present international
production of mountaineering and adventure films and to encourage development
in this branch of film making.
2. The
Festival Board invites the creators of documentary and feature films of any
duration, depicting all extreme kinds of mountain sports, films depicting the
beauty of mountain and wild
fauna and flora and also films relating to any kind of adventure. Festival is
opened to all filmmakers: professional, free-lance or amateurs who may present
films created from 2004 to 2008. Each competitor may enter not more than three
films. These films may be presented at other festivals too. But films, which
have already participated in Moscow International Festival “Vertical” can’t
participate in it again.
3. The pre-selection committee appointed by the Festival Board will
select entries for the competition and classify them according to the
categories. The categories are:
I. Mountaineering films (all kinds
of mountaineering sport);
II. Sport-extreme (extreme projects relating to all mountain and
adventure kinds of sport);
III. Adventure films (all kinds of traveling and adventure, round
the world sailing races, ballooning, underwater exploration and generally
speaking, any subject embodying the spirit of adventure);
IV. Mountain and wild nature (mountain and wild fauna and flora, music
V. Fictions and animation films
Films admitted to the competition are judged by the International Jury
appointed by the Festival Board. The Jury’s decision is final. The Jury members
are not allowed to enter their own productions into the competition.
The following prizes may be awarded by the Jury:
à. The Grand Prix of the Festival;
b. Prizes for the best film in
each category;
c. Special prizes;
d. Prizes, donated by public institutions, sports and other organizations.
e. Each film, admitted to the competition will be given a certificate of
Each production may be awarded more than one prize.
6. Films must
be submitted in videotapes (Pal) – DVCAM, mini DV,
mini DVC, DVD-video. We
will be thankful for videotapes DVD-video
presented for the pre-selection. DVD-video
will stay in the Festival’s archive.
7. a. Tapes must arrive at the Festival before November 30
of 2008, in good technical condition.
b. Each film must be
submitted on a separate tape.
c. The Organizers of
the Festival are not responsible for the work of the Post. Participants send
their tapes only at their own risk.
d. Each
production must be accompanied by English dialogue-list (all the texts spoken
and written on the screen), typed summary of the subject matter (5-6
sentences), three photographs illustrating the film and the entry-form, which must be typed in the official entry form.
Please mention
that your entry-form must be CLEARLY fulfilled (typing is mandatory).
Please, also pay
attention to the dialog list you send: in the file must present English dialog
list with ALL the dialogs spoken in the film and ALL the text written on the
The entry package should be labeled “Only for cultural purpose, no
commercial value”. You should also write on the parcel our tel. numbers
(495) 173-34-06. And please, do not value your parcel more than
1$ as it makes difficulties with receiving this parcel on the customs.
8. Films will
be demonstrated in the original with translation into Russian. Participation in Festival’s competition doesn’t assume default screening
of the film during Festival show days.
9. a. The producer (or owner of copyrights) is asked in the
entry form if the Festival Board is allowed to
use the entered films, whole or parts of them, on the Russian television free
of charge for the purposes of Festival’s promotion and in the tour “The Best
Films of Festival
“Vertical” “Echo of Vertical”.
b. The producer is asked in the
entry form if the Festival Board is allowed to make a copy of the entered film
for the Festival archive. The archive is to be used only for non-profit making
Festival purposes.
10. Two representatives of each film are given
tickets for all Festival events during all Festival days. Festival is not a commercial organization and it doesn’t cover any
expenses of participants.
11. a. Transport and insurance costs of the production from the
country of its origin to Moscow are defrayed by the participant.
b. After the
end of the Festival all the films on DVCAM, mini DV, mini DVC will be
immediately sent back to the address stated in the entry forms at the expense
of the Festival.
c. Festival
Bard is not responsible for the proper work of the post: any damages or losses
are out of Festival Board’s response.
12. Any
complaints or disputes that may arise will be resolved by the Festival Board
and its decision is final.
13. The
Festival Board can help the producers to make agreements with the Russian TV
for presenting their films.
14. The entry
of productions denotes full acceptance of all the articles of these
Fulfilled entry-form, DVD-video, 3 photos
illustrating the film and English dialog-list of the film. All must arrive at the office of the
Festival not later than the 30th of November 2008.
mailing address
You will find at
Festival Board